Láska zákon přírody
Altri titoli: Láska zákon přírody
Liebe ein Naturgesetz
Data di creazione: 1932-10-25
Descrizione: Rozšířený censurní sbor poradní (Extended Censor Advisory Board) suggested qualifying the film "Láska zákon přírody" for public screening - ban for young people, exclusions of scenes and titles.These exclusions were suggested by film distributing company before censorship and confirmed during the censorship procedure. This film was completely interdicted twice before this censorship - 19.5.1932 (examination number 580/32) and 19.8.1932 (examination number 799/32).
Parole chiave: Repeated Application in case of disagreement about the decision / Lux - Film, Praha / Ministerstvo vnitra v Praze
Provenienza: Státní ústřední archiv v Praze
Fonte esterna: Národní filmový archiv
Language: cs
Tipo documento: Censorship document